Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cool Website To measure distance and elevation of trail

Found this website which one can use to mark and mesure any trail. You can save the trail map and share. The best part is it also provide the elevation gain.

Link to site : http://www.usatf.org/routes/map/

Example: Trail I run near my home My Trail

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Running Group's One Year Anniversay Celebration BBQ!

When: Tuesday, September 22nd 2009
Location: SouthWest - Amdocs Parking lot (Area will be marked)
Time: 11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

You are invited to join the Lunch BBQ hosted in celebration of our One Year of Running together. We started with 8 people on September 22nd, 2008 and today we have 40+ runners. There are some incredible stories to share, so please do your best to attend. If you can send me your RSVP, I want to make sure that I prepare enough “Special Siddiqui Chicken Tikkas ©” for everyone to enjoy.
Here is the plan: The diehard runners(you know who you are!) can do a quick ceremonial 1.75 mile dirt loop at 11:00 and by the time you come back the lunch will be ready!

Name BBQ Item Quantity
Bill McArthur Napkins & Forks
Breean Fruits, Chips & Salsa
Casey Chima 2 Packet Naans 20
Claudia Foley Desert
Dave Chima Large Dinner Plates
Dhiren Coke & Diet Coke 12 each
Diana Winans "Killer" Brownies
John Huegli 2 Packet Naans 20
Julie Taggart Chairs 15
Jus Desert or Fruits
Karen "MEAN" Crunchy Cole Slaw
Kathleen Macaroni Salad
Keola Sprite
Khalid Chicken Tikkas - skinless/boneless 15 - 20 lbs
Larry Plates/Forks/Spoons
Lynnell Water
Margie Large Ice cube bag 1
Melinda Dressing
Michael Rose Tossed Green Salad
Paul Reed Desert
Roy Darrington Small Desert Plates
Shashank Desert or Fruits
Stacey Salad & Buns(8) 8
Todd Charcoal 1 Big Bag
Vijay Veggie Burgers 8

If you are planning to bring in some thing please put in comments and I will add it to the above list.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Todd complete another 20 miler!!

Congratulations Todd! Great job on your second 20-miler Sly Park run. That is remarkable and we are all very proud of your accomplishments…another reason for us to celebrate during our Runner’s Group Lunch – BBQ

-Zen Master