Monday, September 14, 2009

The Running Group's One Year Anniversay Celebration BBQ!

When: Tuesday, September 22nd 2009
Location: SouthWest - Amdocs Parking lot (Area will be marked)
Time: 11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

You are invited to join the Lunch BBQ hosted in celebration of our One Year of Running together. We started with 8 people on September 22nd, 2008 and today we have 40+ runners. There are some incredible stories to share, so please do your best to attend. If you can send me your RSVP, I want to make sure that I prepare enough “Special Siddiqui Chicken Tikkas ©” for everyone to enjoy.
Here is the plan: The diehard runners(you know who you are!) can do a quick ceremonial 1.75 mile dirt loop at 11:00 and by the time you come back the lunch will be ready!

Name BBQ Item Quantity
Bill McArthur Napkins & Forks
Breean Fruits, Chips & Salsa
Casey Chima 2 Packet Naans 20
Claudia Foley Desert
Dave Chima Large Dinner Plates
Dhiren Coke & Diet Coke 12 each
Diana Winans "Killer" Brownies
John Huegli 2 Packet Naans 20
Julie Taggart Chairs 15
Jus Desert or Fruits
Karen "MEAN" Crunchy Cole Slaw
Kathleen Macaroni Salad
Keola Sprite
Khalid Chicken Tikkas - skinless/boneless 15 - 20 lbs
Larry Plates/Forks/Spoons
Lynnell Water
Margie Large Ice cube bag 1
Melinda Dressing
Michael Rose Tossed Green Salad
Paul Reed Desert
Roy Darrington Small Desert Plates
Shashank Desert or Fruits
Stacey Salad & Buns(8) 8
Todd Charcoal 1 Big Bag
Vijay Veggie Burgers 8

If you are planning to bring in some thing please put in comments and I will add it to the above list.

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