Thursday, May 28, 2009

Congratulations are in order

Matt and Todd completed the official Western States Memorial Day Weekend Training Camp Sunday run this weekend. This involves 20 miles (16 along the actual course) down to, along, and up from the American River. It includes miles 62 - 78 of the course. It also includes a long, sustained, quad-busting downhill (easily the longest either have done). Along the way they got to dowse with water to cool off, see the spot where the runners will cross the American River on race day (night), and hobnob with some of the faster States runners (not because we ran that fast -- because we started an hour early and let them catch us). The run also finished.with a hot, grueling, 4-mile uphilll (also the longest either had ever done -- made worse because Dave msiremembered and only promised them a 2-mile uphill). Matt had never previously gone beyond 13.1 flat miles. Todd matched his previous 20-mile record. Both are ready for more.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another new runner joins ZRG

Vikki B joined ZRG yesterday. she did her first run on trails with Khalid. Great job Vikki!! we welcome you to ZRG!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tick Warning!!!!

ZRG Folks: Please beware of the ticks. In just two days, Todd & I had tick encounters. Today, I had one lodged in my right thigh area. Since it penetrated the skin, I will have to check with the doctor to prevent any kind of a problem later on.
Here is a link on ticks found in California:

It was the Pacific Coast tick - Dermacentor Occidentalis (Dark brown/reddish). Apparently, it does not cause Lime Desease

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bike to Work Day Breakfast and Ride May 21!

Bike to Work Day Breakfast and Ride May 21!

Join us for a FREE breakfast to fuel cyclists for a ride to Amdocs. Breakfast starts at 6:00 AM at the Sutter Street Light Rail Station Plaza. There will be giveaways and a raffle for a new bike.

We will start riding at 6:30 AM to Amdocs from Sutter Street Light Rail Station. Meet other riders at 7:00 AM at the Raley’s on Blue Ravine (25025 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom) . Join up with the Amdocs Pedal Pool at 8:00 AM at the El Dorado Hills Library (7455 Silva Valley Parkway). Expect to arrive at Amdocs by 8:30.

Contact me if you want to join.

Relay for Life 2009 - Team "Jai Ho "

Team "Jai Ho Gain Victory over Cancer" lead by Guru Nagaraja from DST successfully participated in "Relay for Life" which was organized in Folsom Middle School on May 16 -17. This was a 24 Hr walk/Run relay and team consisited of lot of people from DST/ Amdocs campus. Team raised more that $2100 dollars and had 50 runner/walker in the team. According to Guru our team was 2 largest in number and 9th largest in donations !!

All for a great cause and I want say kudos to Guru and the whole team !!

More information on team jai ho

Eppie’s Great Race - Triathlon

Eppie’s Great Race is scheduled for Saturday, July 18th. This triathlon event has options for both individual participants as well as teams. You begin by running 5.82 miles, bike 12.5 miles and finish up with a 6.35 mile kayak all within the beautiful American River Parkway. For additional details and registration information access the following link. From now through May 31st the race organizers are offering $60.00 off any team registration fee.

- Larry Standing

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trial Cleaning - Beast is out again

The beast is out again. Tomorrow, Khalid and group will be out after work for trail cleaning. Anybody can join us if intrested. There will be Beast (Weed Mower ),weed wackers and grass whips available for use. Hope to see you there.

Fire lane cleaning is scheduled for end of month. Please see comments in my previous post for more details.

Mike has cleaned up some portion of the trail (the area from the Dev Center bridge, through the gate, up the hill , behind the bluffs and up to the little hill (ran out of 2cycle) just prior to hilltop Start\Finish point). Thanks Mike !!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Trail path needs cleaning

Looks like trails need second round of cleaning this year. The weeds have grown once again and there no visibility to spot the snakes. Also, wondering when they will clear the fire lane. The worst stretch is from hill top to soccer field. Hope the clean it soon. The previous trial clean was great fun !! Picture from previous trail cleaning.

Trail Run - Golden Gate - 8 Miles

Hi Folks,

Just putting a 'place holder' on this blog for a Trail Run from beach in Sausalito to Gold Gate Bridge sometime this month or early next month.

Friday, May 8, 2009

More people conquered the Ridge today !!

Breean, Diana, Kathleen & Rian accomplished a major milestone today. They have now been to the top of one of the most difficult hills in the Valley across from Latrobe Road.
David Clark, Stacey, & Todd thank you for the encouragement you have provided all along. Excellent Job everyone.

- Zen Master

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to identify paw prints on trail

This picture below helps you identify paw prints on the trail.


The Relay is a 200 miles run from Calistoga ,CA to Santa Cruz Area. This is called the longest party in california and this year this run was organized on May 2,3. 12 runners including myself from our group did this relay and it was an experience of life time. We registered for this race way back in last quarter of 2008 and trained for it running on the hills in el dorado hills. We successfully completed the run and we are looking forward to do it again next year !! You can read my experience in detail at

From therelayblog