Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tick Warning!!!!

ZRG Folks: Please beware of the ticks. In just two days, Todd & I had tick encounters. Today, I had one lodged in my right thigh area. Since it penetrated the skin, I will have to check with the doctor to prevent any kind of a problem later on.
Here is a link on ticks found in California: http://entomology.ucdavis.edu/faculty/rbkimsey/caticks.html

It was the Pacific Coast tick - Dermacentor Occidentalis (Dark brown/reddish). Apparently, it does not cause Lime Desease


Dhirendra Magadi said...

Thats scary !! How do you know if the tick penetrates the skin and goes inside ?

Raceday! said...

Dhirendra, an embedded tick will stick out or the skin with head in skin kind of like a dart on a dart board... or if you play darts like I do, then that would be a dart on the wall next to the dart board.